Last House On The Left (1972)
My Rating: 8.5/10.
The Last House On The Left was Wes Craven's Directorial Debut. The title of the film was originally suppose to be called "A Night Of Vengeance" but no. The reason why they changed the title was because of the people didn't really by into the movie so they didn't see it. So Wes and Sean Cunningham decided to call it "Sex Crime Of The Century" but again no attention to any of these titles. So someone that was Sean Cunningham's friend decided to call the title "The Last House On The Left". So they did and made alittle tagline that says "To Avoid Fainting Keep Repeating, It's Only A Movie and people started to draw attention and were hooked. Now anyway just to give a little bio of the film now I can say the plot was about 17-year-old Mari going out to to see a concert with a friend named Phyllis. On the way they encounter a group of murderers and are abducted by them, what follows is the horrific sexual abuse, torture and murder of the two girls. After the killers murder the two girls they take shelter in a house owned by a married couple not knowing that they are the parents of Mari, when the parents find out what the killers have done, they carry out a horrible, gruesome revenge. There were alot of bloopers and fuck ups in the film like when Phyllis spits in Weasels face and before Phyllis even spits on Weasel he closes his eyes a little bit to early. Also when the Parent's of Mari find out the killers killed their daughter they go out to search for her, and when they find her shes lying in the grass still moving when shes suppose to be dead because Krug, Weasel, and Sadie stabs the shit out of Phyllis and then shoots Mari in the lake with a hand gun not once, not twice but, three fucking times! So if shes suppose to be dead why is she on the ground moving when she should be killed in the lake sinking. So I don't know this movie is fucked up but good. I really like it.
I like how the killers can act all comical in the film but when they get confronted, your ass dead. Some of the scenes were to brutally and sexual to discuss. Like Rape and Murder scenes and all that other shit. Last House On The Left was banned in 24 countries all around the world and some people really despised it and hated it, but the crazy ones like myself actually thought it was a very brutal enough to be called a horror movie. It also got #50 for Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments.
The Exorcist (1973)
My Rating: 10/10 (Excellent).
The Exorcist was no doubt won of the greatest, scariest, and classical horror movie ever in history. Just the way the movie goes, it is just freaks you the fuck out. Like sometimes the film surprises me at a scenes because when I at least except it, it scares the shit out of me. I've heard that people had so many nightmares about The Exorcist. It's just perfectly outstanding if I do say so myself.
Well in The Exorcist there was two versions, The Orignal Version and The Version that is Uncut and never before seen. Now the difference between both versions is that there was a scene that was cut out of the Orignal version. That scene was when Regan is walking backwards on all fours like a dog walking down the steps like really fast and blood comes out of here mouth when shes upside down. That scene is so fucked up, I can't really imagine anything like that. Also that demon, which you get to know his name in The Exorcist 2: The Heretic. Well his names Bazoozoo and he seems to pop up at times when you never really except it to happen. The plot of the movie is A visiting actress in Washington, D.C., notices dramatic and dangerous changes in the behavior and physical make-up of her 12-year-old daughter. Meanwhile, a young priest at nearby Georgetown University begins to doubt his faith while dealing with his mother's terminal sickness. And, book-ending the story, a frail, elderly priest recognizes the necessity for a show-down with an old demonic enemy. This movie deserves to be called the best horror movie ever!! It has won 2 Oscars, another 12 wins & 14 nominations. It also got #3 for Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments.
Black Christmas (1974)
My Rating: 7.5/10
I thought Black Christmas was a well deserved average great classic horror movie. I mean it gave an great idea to do "When A Stranger Calls". It was a great idea because When A Stranger Calls came out in 1979 they definitely got the idea from Black Christmas, no doubt about that. Like when Jessica gets obscene phone calls from the killer and the phone company tells her that the calls are coming from inside of the house. So yeah, they had to have gotten an idea off of Black Christmas to do When A Stranger Calls. Well theres two things that sucked really bad about Black Christmas.
1. You never got to know who the killer was. Only you can see is his shadow, eyes, and they do show a little peek of him but fuck it, hes in the dark and alls you can see is his eyes and hair. I have photo of the killer:
and why does the killer say Billy. In fact at the end of the film he says "It's me Billy". I'm wondering to myself "who the fuck is billy?" There is nobody in the film named Billy but I don't know, who ever the killer he makes the most obscene noises ever.
2. Well there was a remake and instead of calling it Black Christmas, they call it Black Xmas...what the fuck is that shit. I haven't seen it but on IMDB it says theres someone named Billy, so I guess it's a follow up. So if it's a follow up why didn't they fucking make it a sequel for fuck sake. It should of been Black Christmas 2, I would of accepted that instead of Black Xmas.
The plot of the film is right before Christmas break, an unseen psycho sneaks into the attic of a Canadian sorority house, menacing the girls with obscene phone calls, and starts to kill them one by one. Black Christmas has won 2 Oscar wins & 2 nominations. It also got #87 for Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments. So the movie was overall awesome to call a real horror movie.
Last House On The Left's IMDB Profile
The Exorcist's IMDB Profile
Black Christmas's IMDB Profile
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